Intraday | इंट्राडे
12 Feb | What is intraday trading | Best intraday trading strategy | Intraday trading idea

What is intraday trading ?
Taking position only for intraday but with proper SL & Target.
Our intraday trading strategy :- we do intraday trading HDFC Bank + Reliance +TCS & NIFTY
HDFC Bank Trade # Created Long Position & SL hit within next 2 Candles, risk management saved the game.
Nifty # created short position with the help of credit spread sold 21800 CE & bought 21900 CE as per expected line market remained week throughout the day & saquared off position @ 3.25, NIFTY 21800 was trading @ 163 (9.45) & around 3.45 it was trading @ 252 (3.15), Given 4450 Profit
(For details click given video link)