How to do Swing Trading in Nifty weekly expiry

As we all know NIFTY index is group of Top 50 stocks of Indian market shortlisted/selected on the basis of certain criteria by the exchanges, these stocks represents different section of the Economy.These Index restructure on regular basis (every 6 month),this index one of the highly tradable instrument worldwide. In this Blog we are going to discuss to NIFTY Index Trades between (8 July to 12 July) for this Trades i will use Option spreads where Risk & Reward can be defined in well advance
जैसा की हमे पता है की NIFTY Index 50 चुनिंदा Stocks का समूह है, यह स्टॉक इकॉनमी के अलग -अलग सेक्टर्स को represent करते हैएक्सचेंज एक निश्चित समय अवधी पर निफ़्टी मे शामिल स्टॉक्स की समीक्षाः करते है , निफ़्टी दुनिया भर मे सब से ज्यादा ट्रेड किये जाने वाले इंडेक्स मे शामिल है, इस ब्लॉग मे हम discuss करेंगे निफ़्टी Index के वो ट्रेड जो 8 July से 12 July के बीच होंगे, इन Trades के लिए options spreads का उपयोग होगा जहा रिस्क & रिवॉर्ड को काफी बेहतर तरीके से define किया जा सकता है
I use Opstra for creating Options spreads
Debit Spreads,Click the link for Detail (जानकारी के लिंक को क्लिक करे )
Credit Spreads,Click the link for Details(जानकारी के लिए लिंक को क्लिक करे )
July-12 Status
Today was the First day of weekly expiry didnt get the right opportunity to Trade
July-15 Status
Today was the Second day of weekly expiry didnt get the right opportunity to Trade
July-16 Status
Today was the Third day of weekly expiry didnt get the right opportunity to Trade
July-17 Status
Today market was closed due to NSE Holiday
July-18 Status
Today was the Third day of weekly expiry didnt get the right opportunity to Trade
In smaller time Frame there was a opportunity to Long as Expiry Special intraday Trade, check details