23 Feb | What is intraday trading | how to do intraday trading | Intraday trading idea

What is intraday trading ?
Taking position only for intraday but with proper SL & Target.
Our intraday trading strategy :- we do intraday trading HDFC Bank + Reliance +TCS & NIFTY Credit Spread
Note # Pledge your investment in Equity or Nifty ETF to raise funds for intraday trading
Trade-1 (Intraday Trading idea in Nifty ) :-
Made a short in NIFTY with the help of Credit Spred sold 22200 CE & bought 22300 CE, this trade trade given 72 per lot profit in same duration 22200 PE given 5 % loss
Trade-2 (Reliance intraday trading idea) :-
Made a short position in Reliance around 10.15(Ref Chart), missed our target by one point and finally price reversed & SL got hit & given 2675 per lot loss
Trade-3(TCS intraday trading idea) :-
Made a short position in TCS around 12.00 (Ref chart), around 1.15 we got our target this trade given 3596 profit per lot., it was reversal entered late but rewarded well