Intraday | इंट्राडे
Day-45 & 46 | What is intraday trading | Index trading | Fin NIFTY

What is Intraday Trading
(Day-45 & 46)
Taking position only for intraday with proper SL & Target.
Our intraday trading strategy :-
Prefer to do intraday Trading in Index with the help of SPREADS which helps you in Risk Management
Note # Pledge your investment in Equity or Nifty ETF to raise funds for intraday trading
A)Creadit Credit Spread on Mar-1,
B) Sold 20550 CE (ITM) & Bought 20650 CE(OTM),
C) View # Bearish
D) Result # 1922 Loss in this Trade
E) It was my first trade in FIn NIFTY & overall experience was not satisfactory, Price Action in FIN Nifty cannot be compared with NIFTY Price action