How to Trade NIFTY weekly Expiry

I have created short position in NIFTY as hedging agaimst my Long position in NIFTY Heavyweight (HDFC Bank + Reliance + ICICI Bank). On Dec-05 around 3.15 I have created Credit Spread in NIFTY, Bought 24750 CE (ATM) and sold 24550 CE (ITM). Refer under given table for more detail ||
मेरी NIFTY हैवीवेट (HDFC बैंक + रिलायंस + ICICI बैंक) में लॉन्ग पोजीशन है,हेजिंग के तौर पर NIFTY में शॉर्ट पोजीशन बनाई है। 5 दिसंबर को लगभग 3.15 बजे मैंने NIFTY में क्रेडिट स्प्रेड बनाया, 24750 CE (ATM) खरीदा और 24550 CE (ITM) बेचा। अधिक जानकारी के लिए नीचे दी गई तालिका देखें
06 Dec # NIFTY corrected 30 Points Today. On a closing basis,I am having Profit of 167 in this Trade,
09 Dec # NIFTY corrected 60 Points Today. On a closing basis,I am having Profit of 681 in this Trade
10 Dec # NIFTY corrected 9 Points Today. On a closing basis,I am having Profit of 891 in this Trade
11 Dec # NIFTY corrected 32 Points Today. On a closing basis,I am having Profit of 736 in this Trade
12 Dec # Close my position around 2.45,I am having Profit of 2925in this Trade. Refer Below given Table for more Details.