What are the Key events & Corporate Action that affects Stock Prices

Key Events refers to the act of Goverment or Regulator which are beyond the control of Market Participents but affects stock Prices in a bigger way.
Key इवेंटस (मुख्य घटनाएँ) Government,SEBI, Stock Exchange या फिर Promotors के ऐसे फ़ैसले है जो Traders or Investors के नियंत्रण से bahar हैं लेकिन स्टॉक की कीमतों को बड़े पैमाने पर प्रभावित करती हैं।
Some of them are | उनमें से कुछ प्रमुख फैसले इस प्रकार हैं:-
- Monetary Policy by RBI | RBI की policy
- Budgetary Policy or Budget | बजट मे लिये गए फैसले
- Elections | चुनाव
- Fed Meeting & Policy related decisions | अमेरिका मे ब्यॉज दर से जुड़े फैसले
- Corporate Earning Announcements | कंपनी के तिमाही नतीजे
- Indian Industrial Production (IIP) Data | जीडीपी और प्रोडक्शन से जुड़े सरकारी अपडेट
- Inflation data | महंगाई दर के आकड़े
Other then above mentioned Key events there are some Corporate (or Internal actions) also which affects share Price. Lets dicuss them in details :-
A)Dividend (Positive)# it’s a part of profit which divided among shareholders, It’s up to company Management to decide whether they want to distribute profit among shareholders or wants to reinvest the same in business progress or future activities. Some of the Dividend paying company are ITC, TCS, Infosys, IOC
यह लाभ का एक हिस्सा है जो शेयरधारकों के बीच विभाजित किया जाता है, यह कंपनी मैनेजमेंट पर निर्भर करता है कि वे शेयरधारकों के बीच लाभ वितरित करना चाहते हैं या व्यवसाय की प्रगति या भविष्य की गतिविधियों में इसे फिर से निवेश करना चाहते हैं। Dividend देने वाली कुछ कंपनियाँ ITC, TCS, Infosys, IOC हैं
B) Stock Split (Positive)# it’s a managerial decision which convert stock into small Ticket size only reason behind this stock is to increase the liquidity & Trading volume. Let’s take an example of MRF
यह मैनेजमेंट द्वारा लिए गया फैसले है जिसमे शेयर प्राइस को विभाजित कर दिया जाता है जिससे उसको आसानी से खरीदा बेचा जा सके , MRF शेयर के सहारे हम इस कांसेप्ट को समझते है
C) Bonus Issues (Positive) # Bonus issue is the Reward given by the company out of the reserve to the Shareholders usually its given in the Ratio.
बोनस इशू वो शेयर जो कंपनी अपने रिज़र्व से देती है , इनकी अल्लोटेमेंट एक निर्धारित रेश्यो मे होता है
Real life Example :-
D) Right issues (Positive)# Right issue is the way to raise Capital instead of Going to Public, company approach to the existing Shareholders
अगर कंपनी अपने शेयर्स का पब्लिक इशू लाने की जगह शरहोल्डर्स को ही शेयर ऑफर करती है तो इससे राइट इशू कहा जाता है
Real life Example: –
E) Buyback(Positive): – Buy back is an exercise where Company buys shares from the existing Shareholders, it works as an incentive for the Shareholders and helps in preventing company from take over.
जब कंपनी अपने शरहोल्डर्स से ही अपने शेयर्स को खरीदने का ऑफर देती है और यह ऑफर प्राइस बाजार भाव से ऊपर का होता है
Real Life Example: –
F) Promotor Stake Sale(Negative) # Its quite possible Promoter of Listed company would like to sell his stake (or position) in the company, reason could be anything (known or unknown). Market doesnt take this news very positively most of the Time
लिस्टेड कंपनी का प्रमोटर अगर अपने शेयर ओपन मार्किट मे सेल करता है तो इसका असर शेयर प्राइस पर नेगेटिव पड़ता है
Real Life Example: –
G) Bulk Deal/Block Deal (moderate to Negative)# If more then 0.5 % of equities (in any listed company) are exchanged between two parties, typically through a negotiated deal (not using open Market operations) is considered as Block/Bulk Deal
अगर 0.5% से ज्यादा कैपिटल का सौदा अगर एक दिन मे होता तो इसे ब्लॉक या बल्क डील कहा जाता है
Click this Link to for NSE Bulk/Block data least Page
H) FPO (Follow on Public Offer (Positive) # When already listed company offers new shares to the existing shareholders. Company usually brings this scheme either :-
- To reduce its debt
- To increase its Capital Base
- Real Life Example: –
I) OFS (Offer for Sale) (usually Negative) # Under FPO listed company offers to the general public but its different from Regular IPO route and company is supposed to meet some Conditions
K) IPO (Initial Public Offer) # when a Non listed entity decided to get listed into stock market, reasons for fund raising could be :-
- Reducing Debt
- Raising Capital for upcoming project
- To know more about Latest IPO update click this link
- Real Life example
L) Insider Trading # Though Insider Trading is not a legal practice but its so common even in big corporates. Lets understand Insider Trading with realtime example
When a key person like Promotor,senior management creates position or help someone to create position is broadally covered under the Category of Insider Trading
Decison taken by Exchanges which affects share Price :-
Upper Circuit & Lower Circuit
- Maximum a Stock or Index can reach in any particular day is known as upper Limit
- Minimum a stock or Index can reach in any particular day is known as Lower Limit
- This Limit is created by exchange in Market to avoid any undue volatility and to protect the interest of small market player
- Exchange on a regular basis update the list of these stocks and limit is decided on the basis of stock category, F&O (or NON-F&O) etc