Trade Analysis

What is Call Ratio Spread | Swing Trade in ICICI Bank

Call Ratio Spread is an extension of Bull Spread the only difference here we sell 1 call extra which ultimately results into a Ratio Trade where 2 Calls are sold and 1 is bought. Call Ratio Spread is also known as Credit Ratio Spread because higher Delta is sold and Lower Delta is bought 

कॉल रेशियो स्प्रेड बुल स्प्रेड का ही एक type है, यहाँ केवल एक अंतर यह है कि हम 1 कॉल अतिरिक्त बेचते हैं, जिसके परिणामस्वरूप अंततः Ratio ट्रेड होता है, जहाँ 2 कॉल बेचे जाते हैं और 1 खरीदा जाता है। कॉल रेशियो स्प्रेड को क्रेडिट रेशियो स्प्रेड के रूप में भी जाना जाता है क्योंकि उच्च डेल्टा बेचा जाता है और कम डेल्टा खरीदा जाता है।

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Lets understand the Concept with the help of an example. || आइये एक उदाहरण की मदद से इस अवधारणा को समझते हैं।

I have created Long position in ICICI Bank on 5 Nov when stock was trading around 1295 bought 385 Shares (around 5 Lakh invested) with the help of Margin Trading Funding ( 125000 X 4) || मैंने 5 नवंबर को आईसीआईसीआई बैंक में लॉन्ग पोजीशन बनाई, जब स्टॉक 1295 के आसपास कारोबार कर रहा था, मार्जिन ट्रेडिंग फंडिंग (125000 x 4) की मदद से 385 शेयर खरीदे (लगभग 5 लाख का निवेश किया)।

ICICI bank intraday chart

I have created Created option Spread to hedge my position in Equity || मैंने इक्विटी में अपनी स्थिति को सुरक्षित रखने के लिए Options स्प्रेड बनाया है…

What is Call Ratio Spread

06 Nov# Today Stock Closed around 1302, Profit in Equity Trade # 2695 and Profit in Credit Spread # 700

07 Nov-#Today Stock Closed around 1278, Loss in Equity Trade # 6545 and Profit in Credit Spread # 4585

08 Nov#Today Stock Closed around 1260, Loss in Equity Trade # 13475 and Profit in Credit Spread # 6265

11Nov#Today Stock Closed around 1270, Loss in Equity Trade # 9375 and Profit in Credit Spread # 6090

12Nov#Today Stock Closed around 1272 , Loss in Equity Trade # 9375 and Profit in Credit Spread # 6020

13Nov#Today Stock Closed around 1254 , Loss in Equity Trade # 14250 and Profit in Credit Spread # 6440

14Nov#Today Stock Closed around 1259 , Loss in Equity Trade # 13500 and Profit in Credit Spread # 7035

18 NOV # Today Stock Closed around 1253, Loss in Equity Trade=16170 and Profit in Credit Spread=7400

19 NOV # Today Stock Closed around 1249, Loss in Equity Trade=17710 and Profit in Credit Spread= 7550

21 NOV # Today Stock Cloased around 1250, Loss in Equity Trade=18095 and Profit in Credit Spread= 7678

22 NOV # Today Stock Cloased around 1278,Loss in Equity Trade=6545  and Profit in Credit Spread= 7490

25 NOV # Today Stock Cloased around 1301,Profit in Equity Trade=2310  and Profit in Credit Spread= 7600

26 NOV # Today Stock Cloased around 1305,Profit in Equity Trade=3850  and Profit in Credit Spread= 7600

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