Day-40 | What is intraday trading | how to do intraday trading | Intraday trading idea

What is intraday trading ?
Taking position only for intraday but with proper SL & Target.
Our intraday trading strategy :- we do intraday trading HDFC Bank + Reliance +TCS & NIFTY Credit Spread
Note # Pledge your investment in Equity or Nifty ETF to raise funds for intraday trading
Trade# 1 (Intraday trading in HDFC Bank)
It was perfect reversal Trade & rewarded well, Made a entry on the long side around 9.30 (Ref. Chart). This Trade given profit of 4455.
Trade-2 (Intraday Trading in NIFTY)
Today we tried to make long position in Nifty around 9.30 with the help of credit spread, my intention was to sell 22200 PE & buying of 22100 PE but due to typo error I sold 22000 PE ultimatley this correction process cost us & loss which could be limit to 500(or 600 rupee) converted into 1000 rupee loss but as we all know its a part of the game.